A Walk in The Word : A Journey through the Sunday Mass Readings with Hector Molina
A Walk in The Word : A Journey through the Sunday Mass Readings with Hector Molina
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B: Jesus the Prophet like Moses
Join Catholic evangelist and bible teacher, Hector Molina as he explores the Mass Readings for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (Sunday of the Word of God).
Mass Readings:
Deuteronomy 18;15-20
Psalm 95
Mark 1;21-28
"A Walk in The Word" podcast is a weekly bible study and reflection on the Sunday Mass readings led by International Catholic evangelist and bible teacher, Hector Molina.
PODCAST HOMEPAGE: https://awalkintheword.buzzsprout.com
YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/c/hectormolinacatholicevangelist?
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